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July 2024

Wild Feminine Yoga Retreat in Portugal | in Ericeira with Eva + Esperanza

July 20-27th, 2024 | Women's wisdom & yoga surrounded by palace ruins above Atlantic beaches

November 2024

25-hr EMBODIED MASSAGE | Myofascial Release Yoga Teacher Training in Scotland

at Lila Yoga Edinburgh | Three Days | Fri-Sun Nov 1, 2, 3, 2024
Learn an amazing self-care skillset and incorporated myofascial massage techniques into your yoga practice and classes to improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance embodiment. Eva's Final Teacher Training in Scotland

ONLINE RESTORATIVE YOGA | 30-hr Teacher Training

Self-Paced Practices & Wednesday Live Calls | Nov 13, 20, 27, Dec 4 | 6:30-9:30pm UK/Portugal

Become a Restorative Yoga Teacher. Join our 4-week online training, including online resources & weekly live calls.

YTT Calendar

"At our request, Eva Hamilton has developed and offered a "Yoga for Anxiety" class for a group of our staff and clients, on a biweekly basis for the last 6 months. Her positivity, compassion, and knowledge make this a supportive, safe & relaxing learning and healing experience. The takeaway coping techniques that she teaches are so our clients who are living with serious anxiety, panic, and trauma. On behalf of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Grey/Bruce Branch, we would like to thank Eva for her practical support, forthoughtfuless and skill. The group is a definite success in helping individuals working towards their own recovery." 

- Melanie Knowles Reg. N,  Counselor/Case Manager, 

Canadian Mental Health Association - Grey Bruce


Eva Maxine Hamilton


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Be in my circle | thoughtful monthly newsletters

Thank you for welcoming me into your inbox. I promise, I will treat it well ♥ I only send out one  monthly newsletter to stay in touch, give you access to free content, and share the latest details on online & in-person teaching events. This is my more general newsletter on yoga & life to keep in touch with my yoga student friend around the world. 

If you're a yoga teacher, you may also want to sign up for my yoga teacher email list. Every month you'll receive a wee message from me including a new theme and class planning tools, so you can weave some new inspiration into your classes! I hope this monthly dose of free class content helps reduce your class planning load so you have more energy to be present with your students. Sign up for the teacher list here.

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