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Connection Calls:
Home Practice Support for Students
For all students who desire a home practice but feel challenged to make it consistently onto their mats.  I'll help guide you with developing an inspired, meaningful & dedicated home practice. 


Program Includes:

  • One-year access to all online content at

  • Three home practice support connection calls

  • Eva's home practice guide



Connection Calls: includes three 45 minute
(I allow for one hour of time, in case of technical difficulties) 

Calls are your time to explore practice together. They are one-on-one time to connect & unpack any subject matter you wish. This could be to ask questions about your physical practice, difficult poses or quirks or blindspots you've discovered in your own anatomy. We work together to support an intention like self-love, strength, acceptance, balance or joy. A primary focus I also offer that we can explore together is techniques & resources to support anxiety with yoga. 





Call One:


 We will discuss together exactly what you want to receive from this experience working together. 

Is there an area of yoga you want to learn more about? Do you have any intentions or goals in creating a home practice? What the challenges you find making it to your mat? Are there any issues, injuries or difficulties you're encountering in your practice? We will connect together through breath & set a path for our work. I will then send you my home practice guide and begin to plan a home practice sequence for you to work with or a private workshop for your for our next call. 




Call Two:


I will custom design a class for your needs, goals or interest. This can be a yoga sequence specified for you to practice at home, or a personalized yoga workshop to explore a topic you're curious about!




Call Two - Option ONE: Customized Yoga Class

I will develop a customized yoga sequence just for you based on our last conversation.
We can design the class to support any physical needs or goals or any mental or emotional intentions you wish to include. 

To teach you the class: 
(a) We can Practice Together:
I can teach you the class via a live video conversation. 
or  (b) I can Film your Custom Class Video:
I can film your unique class just for you & send you the video to guide your home




Call Two - Option TWO: Yoga Wisdom Class

Is there a particular area or style of yoga that you want to learn more about? 
I can design a customized workshop or philosophy class to unpack 
whatever topics you are curious about!

Yoga for Anxiety, Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Restorative Yoga, Myofascial Release
Yoga Philosophy, Anatomy, Meditation, Pranayama, 
Yoga History, the Yoga Sutras, the Eightfold Path, the Classical Texts of Yoga, 
Duality: Yin & Yang, Ha & Tha, the Energy Body: Koshas, Pranas, Nadis + Chakras,  Yin: the Chinese Elements + Meridian Systems, Ayurveda: Doshas & Seasonal Yoga, Yoga Nidra




Call Three:
Let's check-in. How has your experience been working with this new sequence or the new information you've gathered? What feedback are you finding in your body & mind? What is working for you? What's not? How can we fine-tuning your practice? We will do some reflection & meditation or nidra together. Like final shavasana, this call is to integrate. 





Click Here to Apply for Student One-on-Ones.





Investment: €200

includes one year access to online class library

3x one-on-one connection calls

home practice guide

+ custom designed yoga practices



Pricing | One-on-One Yoga Classes


Single 1-hr Connection Call:  €80 per private class


3x Connection Calls: €200 for three private sessions


5x Connection Calls: €300  for five private sessions



Private Group Classes 


I would be happy to design a class or program for your group of colleagues or friends.  For private class inquires, please contact with the number of participants and basic event or program details.

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