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India 2013

In my mind, I was always going to finish my undergrad then go to India & complete my 500hr advanced yoga teacher training. There were no question marks around this path. But there were a lot of them within myself at the time. When I look back at my six weeks of sadhana & study at Anand Prakash Yoga Ashram, I am grateful for every moment, even (maybe especially) the difficult ones. Practicing silence morning & night, awaking at 5am for meditation & a two hour practice before breakfast & puja, preceding a long day of philosophy, anatomy & practicum… days were long, but the wisdom my amazing teachers imparted upon us was immeasurable.

Yet, at the same time as I was absorbing all this information, my subconscious fears & patterns of anxiety were emerging. When I returned home, my struggle with anxiety continued for many months as I continued to peel back my own layers. I actually felt more culture shock & discomfort upon my return than my departure & my body tightened & closed me in. It was difficult to try to articulate & express the experiences I had had, yet there was a new residue of awareness that lingered. There was a lot of uncertainty, which I think many experience after finishing formal education.

Its amazing we can travel so far away to ultimately learn more about our own internal geography. I am forever grateful for my time in India. If anything, I feel I was a little young & unsure of myself at the time to processing it all. Like a door had been left open but I didn't know how to walk through it yet. Hope to return one day 🙏 💕thank you @nurturingnova for preserving this amazing memory #yoga #yogainspiration #yogajourney #yogaheals #meditation #travel #india #puja #healing #anxiety #healing #gratitude

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