Live by a compass not a clock 💜
Live by a compass not a clock 💜 Back to Spain in June. I’ll be assisting a 200hr teacher training in Mallorca & designing & teaching a...

Back in Bonny Scotland
Spontaneous heart chakra glow. Funny how the camera can capture light the eye doesn’t see. Running away to the highlands & forests this...

Happiness in Barcelona
Happiness isn’t a destination It’s a way of traveling 💛 I feel like happiness is something we all seek and at the same time,...

The Next Chapter
Some news... One year ago today I got on a plane & moved to Scotland. I stepped away from everything that felt comfortable & safe and...

There is a vitality...
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of...

Just keep breathing 💜 The word pranayama (meaning yogic breathing practices) is often translated as to control the breath. My teacher...

Self Care
Self-care isn’t easy work. Self-realization is incredibly inconvenient. As @yogawithpiper is always reminding me, yoga is a truth seeking...

What's in a name?
Eva is derived from Hebrew meaning “life.” Maxine originates in Latin. It means “great.” Last year, my Mom told me that she was so happy...

From Paris with Love
My heart is feeling so open from three days of taking myself to Paris! I’ve always pictured traveling here as a romantic affair. And...

What is Restorative Yoga?
Restorative yoga is my favourite paradox. It’s easy, by which I mean of all the diverse expressions of practices we label as “yoga,”...